Flexible Learning Spaces: Spaces Designed to Enhance Imagination and Learning



Newly developed schools across the globe have adopted the layout of flexible learning spaces with a design focusing primarily on future-focused learning and teaching. The concept of flexible learning places goes beyond classrooms and applies to the library, the hallways and even the cafeteria. In flexible learning spaces, the environment in which you learn matters.

What Constitutes a Flexible Learning Space?

In an interview with New Zealand's Ministry of Education and Director of the Sydney Centre for Innovation and Learning, Mr Stephen Collis, it was identified there are three specific layers of a learning environment.

The physical layer consists of the confines, the furniture and other physical elements of the learning space. The virtual space consists of any form of media and information that flows through the learning space. Lastly, the cultural space involves the students, teachers, parents and everyone that shapes the behaviours and routines in the learning environment.

According to Collis, these three elements of a learning space can be used to create a more flexible learning environment. Educators can study each layer and see if there is anything that constrains the learning experience of students. What changes can be made to maximise the potential of the learning space?

Collis believes that flexible learning spaces that favour the needs of students must allow them to take breaks and re-focus, learn at their own pace or any permissible action that will give them more of what they need to learn. Having that kind of freedom and flexibility makes flexible learning spaces a space for everybody.

Furniture in Flexible Learning Spaces

In exploring the physical aspect of flexible learning spaces, comfortable furniture is a key consideration for both the students and teachers. Ergonomics, specifically, is an important factor in helping students focus for longer periods of time.

Flexible learning spaces must have furniture that can accommodate both group and individual learning requirements. At the same time, the furniture must be robust and durable enough to withstand everyday use, especially in a flexible learning space where chairs and tables are likely to be moved around. Adjustable furniture is also preferable to increase comfort, accessibility and inclusivity of the flexible learning space.

Ergonomic and Flexible Furniture from Office Line

For educational institutions that are looking to adopt the concept of flexible learning spaces, Office Line is a reliable source of furniture ideal for the classrooms of the future. As one of Australia's most trusted companies in educational furniture, we hand pick each product that goes into our catalogue in order to give you an excellent range of furniture sourced from only well-known and trusted brands in the industry.

From ergonomic school chairs to sleek and modern classroom whiteboards, each product is designed with the needs of the students in mind. Office Line is your one-stop shop for everything you need to build an accessible, inclusive and flexible learning space for the classroom of tomorrow. We offer reliable delivery and on-site installation services by request.

Get in touch with us today by calling us on 1800 333 116 or sending us an e-mail at info@officeline.com.au.


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  • Kendall Broun