Flipped Classrooms: Is It the Future of Learning?
Researchers have been looking at possible ways to improve classroom learning and to help students learn more efficiently. One of the strategies that has recently emerged is the flipped classroom model — an inverted approach to the traditional lecture setting.
Studying at Home and Learning in School
In a common classroom setting, students listen to lectures inside the classroom and carry out most of the active learning at home. The flipped classroom model inverts this setup by devoting more time for collaborative schoolwork, experiential learning and other forms of active learning inside the classroom. Teachers prepare video lectures that students take home to learn at their own pace.
The flipped classroom model is relatively new, and only a few of the top universities in the world have adopted this strategy. Studies continue to examine the effects of the model in the students' conceptual grasp of lessons. One study found that the grades of weaker students improved 10% greater than weaker students in traditional classrooms.
Advantages of the Flipped Classroom Model
The main advantage of the flipped classroom model is that the majority of the time spent in the classroom is devoted to active learning. In a collaborative environment, teachers assist students while they work on individual and group schoolwork.
Having more time for active learning allows students to understand concepts and lessons with the help of peers and teachers. This setup enhances comprehension and reduces the likelihood of students getting left behind.
At home, students are able to study the video lectures at a pace with which they are comfortable. They will attend classes the following day prepared and equipped with questions related to the lesson and effectively follow the lecture.
Disadvantages of the Flipped Classroom Model
The flipped classroom model requires teachers to prepare pre-recorded lessons in high-video quality. Meanwhile, the students should have access to proper equipment to watch lectures at home.
This requirement puts students living in low-income areas at a disadvantage, as equipment can be costly. Some students may also feel that they can skip class when they have already "learned" the lesson at home.
School Furniture Conducive to Collaborative Learning
For those schools looking to devote more classroom time to active learning, it is important to have school furniture that fosters peer-to-peer learning.
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- Kendall Broun
- Tags: Flipped Classroom